email: Craig Huber


Craig Huber, a 33 year practitioner of the art of Astrology, is versed in all facets of Astrological interpretation. His services included in depth personal readings and computer generated reports.


Craig & Annie

Friends and Lovers



    How You Approach Relationships

        PISCES  on 7th   Cusp  

               You're a demon for details. There is no question in

               anyone's mind that you have got it all together, at least

               from an organizational standpoint. You are indeed cool,

               calm, and collected. Yet there is something missing. You

               yearn for contact and involvement. You need something to do

               and someone to care for. Talk about loving punishment --

               you feel responsible for just about everyone, and tend to

                end up with some pretty hopeless cases. And we're talking

               major dreamers here. You can't resist them -- the woolier,

               the better. They need your help and can't seem to help

               themselves. The funny part is that you love it, and them!


        NEPTUNE ruler of  7th

               You have a penchant for dreamers, mystics, and the highly

               imaginative. You love to get carried away romantically, and

               your friends may find you are unrealistic and often

               disappointed. You like love right out of a romance novel,

               complete with a sense of mystery and otherworldliness. You

               value imagination in a lover, and probably love movies and



        MOON in 7th House 

               You really depend on relationships for growth and support,

               and you tend to find yourself in, and by means of, other

               people. Others find you very supportive. You may be a bit

               of a "mother hen" when it comes to watching over your

               friends and partners.


        JUPITER  in 7th House

               Without a partner your career may tend to flounder, so it's

               not likely you will live the single life for long. With

               you, it's a question of getting in a good relationship and

               then concentrating on being a success story, and not vice

               versa. You need a partner that will cheer you on in your

               work, or at the very least not stand in your way. There is

               also a tendency to attract people of some stature as

               friends, with the result that you tend to know the top

               professionals in your field or social group.

    Strengths in your relationships

     MARS SEXTILE  SATURN                          orb 00 05'

               You are very skilled and exhibit great artistry in whatever

               you do. Your work is always well organized and efficiently

               produced. You are driven to accept more and more

               esponsibility, which is not a burden to you. This is a

               sign of excellent managerial ability. You're in it for the

               long haul and are a good example of what real discipline

               looks like.

          MERCURY  SEXTILE  URANUS            orb 02 35'

               An original thinker, perhaps an inventor. You have a very

               sharp mind, capable of real insight. You are always

               thinking of new ways to do things or a new use for

               something. You are great at finding solutions for existing

               problems where others have run out of ideas. Almost

               anything can be turned to an advantage, once you put your

               mind to it. Communication of all kinds, especially

               computers, electronics, and the new technology, is right up

               your alley.


             MERCURY  CONJUNCT  VENUS               orb 02 36'

               You love to talk and write, and you probably do so

               beautifully. Your sense of color, harmony, manners, and all

               that is artistic, is beyond reproach. You know quality, and

               people love to let you pick out art or arrange color

               schemes for them.


                                                                orb 02 60'

        MON    You are attractive and tend to be physically active. You

        TRI    just might participate in or manage some athletic endeavor.

        MAR    You are in tune with your feelings and really know how to

               play a crowd for the maximum response. You can always count

               on support from those around you. You seldom hide how you

               feel and therefore are no stranger to an occasional

               argument. You probably got a lot of emotional support as a

               child, especially from your mother.


                                                                orb 06 02'

        SUN    You manage to cram many lifetimes into one, for it seems

        CNJ    like you're always being reborn and starting life over

        PLU    again. Others may have a hard time keeping up with your

               changes. You do well in face-to-face and gut-level

               situations that would exhaust most people. You really come

               into your own when the going gets tough or when it's time

               to "get down" and face facts. Good leadership potential for

               emergency situations




    Challenges in your relationships




                                                                orb 00 44'

        MER    You really put a lot of feeling in what you say. Others

        SSQ    sense in you high energy and a certain tension that's

        MAR    always there. You have a quick mind, an even sharper

               tongue, and God help anyone who is foolish enough to try

               arguing with you. You tend toward impatience and

               irritability. Those who are close to you know that you

               often bitterly regret what you may blurt out in an instant.


                                                                orb 01 39'

        SUN    You may be somewhat of a rebel, with a history of going up

        SSQ    against authority. You like to stand alone -- an outrider

        URA    at the fringe of society -- like the old-time outlaws. You

               have a knack for separating yourself from the herd. You end

               up as the loner, although this is not always what you want.

               You need a partner in this life, a go-between for you and

               the status quo.


                                                                orb 01 52'

        VEN    There is a tendency to be somewhat taciturn and reserved;

        SSQ    perhaps a little too prudent. You have a fear of letting go

        MAR    that may manifest as an apparent lack of emotion. You don't

               always like what you are feeling, or own up to it. You are

               probably not an animal lover.


                                                                orb 02 55'

        MON    You don't have much faith in people seeing what is good

        OPP    about you on first meeting. You want to do something for

        SAT    them, somehow show them by action and work what you are

               really about. You are never a lightweight, for you take

               feelings very seriously. Sometimes you can't help but be a

               party-pooper. You won't just let your feelings out without

               examining them. Contact with others may have the effect of

               putting them in touch with their more serious side. Some

               may see you as religious or meditative.


                                                                orb 03 04'

        SUN    You have a tendency, or perhaps a knack, for ignoring good

        SQQ    advice. More than once you have found yourself at odds with

        JUP    the correct, or prescribed, way of doing things. This could

               manifest in a problem with authority figures. For example,

               you may tend to disregard the suggestions of an authority

               figure, perhaps your father. You have trouble doing just a

               little, and tend to be extravagant.




    Your relationship with Annie Greenberg


    Her SUN    Whether she has conventional good looks or not, Annie has

    in Your    true sex appeal for you. Conventions go out the window and

        8th    there it is, right in front of you. She has a way of

               cutting through any reservations you might have and

               exposing even your most secret thoughts. There is no use

               pretending you are anything other than you are. There can

               be no secrets between you. All this can be terribly

               exciting. She may be able to serve as a key to some

               important investment or other financial arrangement. You

               might inherit money through her.



    Her MON    You probably felt at home with Annie right from the start.

    in Your    You enjoy doing things together. It feels natural and good.

        4th    It occurs to you that this relationship could last a while.

               She feels almost like family and does a lot to bring out

               your more domestic side. The two of you might cater to the

               public or run a business from your home.



    Her MER    The two of you have a great rapport. There is mental

    in Your    kinship. In fact a talk session with Annie almost amounts

        7th    to therapy for you both. There is a real sense of mutual

               reflection. It would be hard for you to find a more

               productive intellectual companion. It is possible that you

               may work together in some public way through speaking,

               writing, investigating. A real meeting of the minds.



    Her VEN    She appreciates your sense of duty and concern for others.

    in Your    Time spent together tends to enhance these qualities in

        6th    you. You may not have known how much you care about life

               and other people before you met. You find yourself taking

               better care of yourself, by attending to the details and

               odds & ends of your life. She values you for your more

               conservative qualities and tends to see you as painstaking

               and particular when it comes to attending to details.



    Her MAR    She can be a real go-getter when it comes to the social

    in Your    scene -- always on the move. This may have the effect of

        7th    moving you to get out and be sociable. The two of you could

               do a lot together. It is possible that your friends may see

               her as just a little pushy or too game. Relations may take

               on an emotional tone that could be unneeded or unwelcome.

               She may tend to be the life of the party.



    Her JUP    Conversations with Annie are more than just stimulating.

    in Your    You find them instructive, producing solutions to questions

        3rd    that you may have wondered about for years. She seems to

               have a knack for guiding you in just the right direction.

               You admire her mind and good judgment. She may encourage

               you to speak, write, and in some way communicate to a

               fuller extent.



    Her SAT    Whatever this relationship may or may not be, it probably

    in Your    is not a social triumph. Annie may tend to be a damper when

       11th    it comes to group or community get-togethers. Your friends

               may not like her, or she may be critical of the goals of a

               particular group. Any groups she might approve of would

               have very strict morals and ethics. She may simply not like

               to get together in groups.



    Her URA    She may have had an unexpected effect on your career or

    in Your    life direction. Annie may have come into your life rather

       10th    suddenly and been a disturbing factor. Perhaps she urges

               you to break away and dare to try new things. She may

               provide you with needed insights, point out unusual

               opportunities. You sense that she knows what you are about

               and understands your situation. She could be, for you, an

               unusual but respected authority figure.



    Her NEP    You find Annie enchanting and are easily carried away by

    in Your    her eloquence and non-worldliness. There is a dreamlike

        1st    quality to your relationship, as if it were being somehow

               carried out on some higher plane. When you are together you

               feel a sense of unity and oneness. A lot of the pettiness

               of life seems to drop away. You may wonder whether this is

               too good to be true or if the two of you are just deluding

               yourselves. You may love water and the movies.



    Her PLU    She is very dynamic, and you probably met her in a group of

    in Your    friends or at a community function. She may instantly set

       11th    about forming a new group of friends for you to hang around

               with, or she may advise you on which groups and projects

               are really worthwhile. Annie will strip away a lot of

               needless social niceties. Through her you may be exposed to

               a more radical form of politics or group goal than

               heretofore. She is very serious about all of this.




 Strengths in your relationship with Annie Greenberg


                                                                orb 00 20'

   Your MAR    This could be a very physically satisfying relationship,

        TRI    one with lots of action and good emotional exchange. Work

    Her MAR    hard; play hard. You may have a healthy sense of

               competition, since you both tend to urge the other to

               greater heights. Sports or exercise could be important.


                                                                orb 01 19'

   Your MAR    She manages to exert a good influence on your drive to

        CNJ    succeed, bringing discipline and order that you may lack.

    Her SAT    There could be a long-term and hard-working relationship.

               She manages your talents with skill and understanding.


                                                                orb 01 25'

   Your MON    Annie will find you very supportive when it comes to

        TRI    matters of her career or life direction. She can trust your

    Her JUP    advice, and you tend to act as a guide for her in many

               ways. This could be a good business relationship too.


                                                                orb 02 40'

   Your MON    Emotions run high with the two of you, but mostly it's very

        CNJ    healthy. There is a strong sexual rapport. She finds you

    Her MAR    very supportive when it comes to her feelings and emotions.

               This is probably a very active relationship. She tends to

               push you on to be a real provider.


                                                                orb 02 42'

   Your MON    She finds you very supportive and easy to talk to. Annie

        CNJ    has a knack for understanding how you feel about something,

    Her MER    putting your feelings into words that make sense to you.

               You might find yourself encouraging mental pursuits on her

               part -- writing, speaking, communications.


                                                                orb 04 03'

   Your SUN    This is an easygoing relationship with plenty of give and

        TRI    take on both sides and very little friction. There is a

    Her SUN    tendency to identify with one another, and you both have a

               great deal in common.


                                                                orb 04 19'

   Your MON    This is a good working relationship. Annie tends to bring a

        TRI    real sense of discipline and order into your life. You feel

    Her SAT    like making a sustained effort when you are with her. You

               can't help but support her sense for organization and



                                                                orb 04 25'

   Your MAR    This might turn out to be a great working (business)

        TRI    relationship. You have no trouble getting behind her, and

    Her JUP    can urge her to greater success. There is a natural sense

               of harmony and flow to the relationship.


                                                                orb 05 53'

   Your MER    Annie likes talking and communicating with you. You have a

        TRI    knack for bringing out the best in her, making it easy for

    Her MON    her to say what's on her mind. She feels your genuine

               support and enjoys what she finds herself saying and

               thinking in your presence. She knows that she can speak her

               mind when she is with you.




  Challenges in your relationship with Annie Greenberg


                                                                orb 00 08'

   Your MER    She doesn't appreciate the way your mind works. Your words

        OPP    are wasted on her. You may find yourself being mentally

    Her VEN    critical of her ideals and sense of values. She doesn't

               like the way you think.


                                                                orb 00 33'

   Your SUN    She may prefer to have her own career and take a course

        SQR    that runs counter to your own. Her advice may not always be

    Her JUP    in your best interests. There may be arguments, with you

               being painted as the authority figure. She may feel that

               you hold her back from finding her own way.


                                                                orb 00 33'

   Your VEN    She may have a tendency to throw cold water on your

        SSQ    enthusiasms and hurt your feelings. You may not take her

    Her SAT    problems seriously enough to suit her, and she may tend to

               restrict your natural sense of love and appreciation. There

               is cold-war tension to this relationship.


                                                                orb 00 51'

   Your MAR    Annie may not appreciate the way you come on and act. Your

        SQQ    basic energy, the way you feel, is counter in some way to

    Her VEN    her values and ideals. She may act aloof. You may have a

               tendency to be a bull in a china shop when it comes to what

               she cares about.


                                                                orb 01 06'

   Your VEN    You may not appreciate her sense of independence, always

        SQR    having to do something different and unusual. You don't

    Her URA    like surprises. It may go against your own set of values

               and thus be a cause for dissension.


                                                                orb 01 38'

   Your SUN    She may feel that you don't take her ideals seriously

        SSQ    enough, and that you discount her more imaginative and

    Her NEP    creative side. You may feel that she is unrealistic, only

               fooling herself, and is always getting carried away with

               one thing or another. There could be deception.


                                                                orb 01 39'

   Your SUN    You find that it is easy for you to hurt her feelings, or

        SQQ    she takes offense easily, with the result that she is not

    Her MON    always as supportive of you as you might wish. You both

               waste a lot of time holding out against the other. You may

               feel that she ignores you.



                                                                orb 01 41'

   Your MON    The fact that you find it difficult to put up with her need

        SQQ    for confrontation and self-analysis may cause resentment.

    Her PLU    Your lack of support in this area may lead to explosive

               times and hurt feelings. You are tired of the tension and

               don't feel like putting your emotions through one more



                                                                orb 02 44'

   Your VEN    This may never do. Neither of you are able or willing to

        OPP    give the other much credit. There is a lack of

    Her VEN    appreciation, and very little sense of shared values. You

               may not like the same things.


                                                                orb 03 42'

   Your MER    Her unconventional manner may irritate you. You may feel

        SQR    she is just being different for the sake of being

    Her URA    different. There could be sharp words between you, or you

               may find it fruitless to discuss certain subjects with her.








    How You Approach Relationships


        LIB    You tend to be impetuous and daring in the way you come

     on 7th    across. Your seeming innocence does not always make up for

       Cusp    a tendency to be too direct at times -- some might say

               rude.  You fall in love easily, often, and you are not

               afraid to rush into a relationship. Above all, you always

               seem to go after those with manners, education, and a

               dignified appearance. You love to be the bull in someone's

               china shop. You tend to seek a real diplomat for a partner,

               one who delights in smoothing over your rough spots.



        VEN    With you, good looks count a lot. You like partners who are

   Ruler of    charming, refined, and appreciate the better things in

        7th    life. You may depend on them for appreciation and love, and

               you probably share the same set of values. They tend to

               dote on you, and you like it that way.



        JUP    Without a partner your career may tend to flounder, so it's

     in 7th    not likely you will live the single life for long. With

      House    you, it's a question of getting in a good relationship and

               then concentrating on being a success story, and not vice

               versa. You need a partner that will cheer you on in your

               work, or at the very least not stand in your way. There is

               also a tendency to attract people of some stature as

               friends, with the result that you tend to know the top

               professionals in your field or social group.





Strengths in your relationships


                                                               orb 01 17'

        MER    You are a great problem-solver, and can always think of a

        TRI    way to do almost anything. Your friends know you to be

        JUP    fair, and your integrity is unquestionable. You may find

               yourself interested in legal matters, publishing,

               philosophical and religious subjects, and would make a good

               teacher or instructor. Scientific investigation would

               interest you.


                                                                orb 01 39'

        MAR    You are very skilled and exhibit great artistry in whatever

        TRI    you do. Your work is always well organized and efficiently

        SAT    produced. You are driven to accept more and more

               responsibility, which is not a burden to you. This is a

               sign of excellent managerial ability. You're in it for the

               long haul and are a good example of what real discipline

               looks like.


                                                                orb 03 01'

        SUN    You love whatever is new or different, and breakthrough

        SXT    flashes of original insight are typical. You could invent

        URA    something, and you have a natural love for communication

               and new-age technology. You appreciate independence and

               originality in others, especially in a partner, and may

               tend to have unusual friends who are very likely male. You

               like to keep things spontaneous.


                                                                orb 04 05'

        MAR    You really know how to pace yourself and seldom waste a

        TRI    moment or a move. It would be difficult for you not to be a

        JUP    success at anything you choose to do. Career problems

               seldom last long or prove very difficult. Others remark on

               your creative energy, great drive, and the fact that you

               never seem to let up. It all runs so smoothly. You may be

               moved to work with the law, publishing, education -- any

               field where you have an opportunity to guide and educate



                                                                orb 05 22'

        MER    When it comes to self-expression, you are a natural and can

        CNJ    always put what you feel into words. Your mind is quick and

        MAR    tends not to get bogged down in emotional issues. You would

               do well in any of the communication fields, and are an

               excellent speaker. People find it easy to get a sense for a

               subject when you put it into words. You write well.



                                                                orb 05 45'

        MON    People just naturally love you, perhaps because they sense

        SXT    that you really care for them too. This amounts to more

        VEN    than just a minor talent. You have lots of friends, and

               many relationships. You're just fun to be around. You may

               hang out with artistic types, or be one yourself. The

               feminine, in all of its aspects: fashion, beauty, style,

               etc., is your cup of tea. You love people and working with

               the public.




      Challenges in your relationships


                                                               orb 00 01'

        MON    You may choose to pursue a dreamy idealism at the expense

        SQR    of more mundane concerns. Somehow you always manage to pit

        NEP    your ideals against the actual reality of the situation. Is

               it escapism or vision? Probably some of both. You will need

               a partner who can bring things into focus without

               shattering your gentle dream world. There may have been

               some rather harsh realities connected to your upbringing.

               You may find yourself putting the feminine principle on a



                                                                orb 01 00'

        MER    You may have a tendency to poke your nose into others'

        SQQ    business. You can't resist, and yet you're often afraid of

        PLU    what you'll find. Skeletons in the closet and sensitive

               areas of people's lives both fascinate and terrify you. You

               have trouble just coming right out and dealing with a

               touchy subject. It puts you through too many changes. You

               would rather snoop around.


                                                                orb 02 10'

        VEN    You find yourself hampered by authority and elders. Too

        SQQ    many rules and regulations may inhibit or put a damper on

        SAT    what your heart feels like doing. You may procrastinate and

               put off attending to the necessities, with the result that

               duties tend to pile up. You might be somewhat defensive

               about expressing your real likes and dislikes for fear of

               being criticized or cut down. You don't always play by the



                                                                orb 02 12'

        MON    You may have to cut your own way when it comes to a career,

        SSQ    for you may not always get the kind of support you need

        JUP    from others. The result may be that you end up with a very

               unusual vocation. Probably not much interested in working

               with the public, either. Your partner will have to

               understand that you are not likely to follow the crowd, and

               be willing to let you find your own way. Getting things

               started and off the ground may be harder for you than for



                                                                orb 03 49'

        VEN    You could have a fear of the new and different -- of sudden

        SQR    changes. However, once they occur you really get a charge

        URA    out of them. You would like to break away and live an

               unusual, exciting existence, but your conventionality holds

               you back from making the move. The result is that you often

               feel frustrated and mired in the humdrum. Jealousy in love

               affairs could present a problem.



   Your relationship with Craig Huber


    His SUN    Here is a real playmate, a lover in all the traditional

    in Your    sense of that word. Craig really gets those creative juices

        5th    bubbling, and through him you discover artistic tendencies

               you never knew you had. You might even write a poem or two.

               There is a first blush and sense of mutual discovery in

               this relationship. Through knowing him you have become more

               self-expressive, more active. There is a growing sense of

               self-confidence and pride in yourself that you gain from

               this relationship. There is a good feeling to this




    His MON    He has a healthy psychological effect on you. You probably

    in Your    have long and involved discussions, perhaps secluding

       12th    yourself from the rest of the world for a time. Through

               knowing him you feel more accepting of the way life and the

               world are. He is supportive of the tendency in yourself to

               forgive and forget, to suffer the pangs and arrows of life

               in favor of its better qualities. When you are with him,

               you can become very accepting, tranquil, almost sweet.



    His MER    You find yourself waxing romantic whenever you spend time

    in Your    with Craig. He seems to bring out the poet and orator in

        5th    you. There may be a tendency to talk more about love than

               to learn of it. If you are at a distance, phone calls or

               long letters may be in order. He is expressive and

               effusive, always an outpouring of feelings and energy. You

               find yourself talking a lot about yourself when you are

               with him. There is a wholesome quality to your

               conversations that you look forward to.



    His VEN    He appreciates your sense of duty and concern for others.

    in Your    Time spent together tends to enhance these qualities in

        6th    you. You may not have known how much you care about life

               and other people before you met. You find yourself taking

               better care of yourself, by attending to the details and

               odds & ends of your life. He values you for your more

               conservative qualities and tends to see you as painstaking

               and particular when it comes to attending to details.



    His MAR    Any relationship with Craig is going to have real emotional

    in Your    overtones. He has a knack for getting you right in the pit

        4th    of your stomach. It will never be dull, but it's not likely

               to be tranquil either. He has real opinions, and tends to

               push you to declare yourself and to send out roots. There

               is a drive to get you to settle down and make a home. He

               has a lot of energy behind this thought. It may be just

               what you need to stop postponing the domestic scene. He is

               a real experience.



    His JUP    He will have a very strong psychological effect on you,

    in Your    particularly in regard to the way you live your personal

       12th    life. High ideals and humanitarian sentiments are fine, but

               Craig has the ability to lead you to putting these thoughts

               to work on a day-to-day level. Through him you may learn

               how to really forgive one another, how to let barbs and

               harsh words roll off your back. He can put you in touch

               with goals more important than money or recognition --

               internal happiness and self-respect.



    His SAT    There can be a real strain with this relationship. Craig

    in Your    can't help but cut short a lot of efforts on your part to

        6th    improve yourself. It may be very difficult to work

               together. He exerts a natural discipline on all your work

               habits and may effect the way you work with other people.

               It will make you or break you. On the other hand, you could

               really clean up your act with his help.



    His URA    Communication with Craig is stimulating and full of

    in Your    brainstorms and flashes of insight. He is an original

        3rd    thinker and always has a way to get a new slant on old

               problems. His influence could affect anything you do in the

               way of thinking, speaking, writing, electronics, technology

               -- communications in general.



    His NEP    If this is anything else but a brief philosophic or

    in Your    artistic tryst, you may have to take some preventative

        6th    measure. Craig tends to get you carried away to the point

               of neglecting responsibilities -- the details of life.

               Somebody has to empty the garbage, and he may not be the

               first one to suggest it. He may bring a soothing relief to

               some of the harsher aspects of life. There is a real

               temptation to escape from all the little details.



    His PLU    This is a very volatile and passionate combination. You

    in Your    find that Craig challenges the way you express and feel

        5th    about yourself. The two of you may get locked in a power

               struggle for control. Things are seldom dull. With his

               help, you may go through a transformation that leaves you

               feeling ever so much more creative and confident. You could

               be able to shed a lot of uptightness and repressed habits.



   Strengths in your relationship with Craig Huber


                                                              orb 00 20'

   Your MAR    This could be a very physically satisfying relationship,

        TRI    one with lots of action and good emotional exchange. Work

    His MAR    hard; play hard. You may have a healthy sense of

               competition, since you both tend to urge the other to

               greater heights. Sports or exercise could be important.


                                                                orb 01 59'

   Your SUN    You understand his need for analysis and self-examination,

        TRI    and probably have helped him thru many deep changes. You

    His PLU    are really tuned in and sympathetic with this need for

               transformation on his part. He puts you through a lot of

               changes too, but you love it.


                                                                orb 02 28'

   Your VEN    You value his independent ways. You love how he is often

        TRI    surprising you, and doing new things to get your attention.

    His URA    You always respond with warmth and appreciation. You feel

               that he values your ideals, knowing they are unique.


                                                                orb 02 40'

   Your MAR    Craig is very supportive of your ambitions and drive. He

        CNJ    urges you on to perform at your very best. There is a lot

    His MON    of energy between you, and this could be a very productive

               relationship for you both.


                                                                orb 02 42'

   Your MER    Craig likes talking and communicating with you. You have a

        CNJ    knack for bringing out the best in him, making it easy for

    His MON    him to say what's on his mind. He feels your genuine

               support and enjoys what he finds himself saying and

               thinking in your presence. He knows that he can speak his

               mind when he is with you.


                                                                orb 04 03'

   Your SUN    This is an easygoing relationship with plenty of give and

        TRI    take on both sides and very little friction. There is a

    His SUN    tendency to identify with one another, and you both have a

               great deal in common.


                                                                orb 05 53'

   Your MON    He finds you very supportive and easy to talk to. Craig has

        TRI    a knack for understanding how you feel about something,

    His MER    putting your feelings into words that make sense to you.

               You might find yourself encouraging mental pursuits on his

               part -- writing, speaking, communications.



                                                                orb 07 53'

   Your SUN    Craig may be one of your most valuable assets and have a

        CNJ    great influence on your career and life direction. Through

    His JUP    his support you may succeed in finding solutions to many a

               problem. You work well together and would make good






   Challenges in your relationship with Craig Huber

                                                                orb 00 08'

   Your VEN    You don't like the way he thinks and expresses himself. You

        OPP    just don't appreciate many of the things he says to you.

    His MER    This bugs him, and he may insist on going against your own

               set of values.


                                                                orb 00 15'

   Your MAR    You may feel that his attempts to discipline you are

        OPP    ineffective at best. Throwing cold water on your

    His SAT    enthusiasms has never done much for you. You may delight in

               shattering his neat little universe from time to time. You

               feel repressed by him.


                                                                orb 00 51'

   Your VEN    The two of you feel a lot of attraction for each other, but

        SQQ    often as not you end up at opposite ends of the couch. You

    His MAR    may not appreciate his more aggressive nature or the way he

               acts. You may not like the way he makes you feel. He feels



                                                                orb 01 39'

   Your MON    You may not feel very supportive of Craig, and he may not

        SQQ    be able to depend on you as much as he would like. He seems

    His SUN    to go against your feelings more than a little, and this

               could lead to many a confrontation.


                                                                orb 02 44'

   Your VEN    This may never do. Neither of you are able or willing to

        OPP    give the other much credit. There is a lack of

    His VEN    appreciation, and very little sense of shared values. You

               may not like the same things.


                                                                orb 03 18'

   Your MON    Craig's feelings of independence, and his unusual ways,

        OPP    tend to rub you the wrong way at times. You refuse to

    His URA    support his oddball ideas. He may find you restricting and

               unimaginative. There is definite disagreement here.


                                                                orb 04 14'

   Your SUN    He may feel that you don't take his ideals seriously

        OPP    enough, and that you discount his more imaginative and

    His NEP    creative side. You may feel that he is unrealistic, only

               fooling himself, and is always getting carried away with

               one thing or another. There could be deception.


                                                                orb 04 42'

   Your MON    Craig may feel that he doesn't have your support when it

        SQR    comes to matters of career and life direction. There may be

    His JUP    hard feelings. You may find the decisions he makes upsetting

               to you emotionally. His basic philosophy of life can sometimes

               be at odds with the way you are feeling.


Computerized astrological reports are:
  • $25 each: as a Word document emailed to you.
  • $36 each: as a printed copy mailed to you.
Astrological readings in person or by the phone are:
$90 / HOUR.



  • If you want to email me your credit card information and ask questions:


  • You can mail me your credit card information, checks and money at :


PO BOX 11014

EUGENE, OR 97440

  • You can call me with your credit card information and ask questions at:

(541) 343-9908

email: Craig Huber